It’s pretty hard to put into words how it feels when the debilitating headaches that I had come to live with as “normal” are gone. I had been to more than one doctor, been put through every test known to man, with NO results at all. The headaches remained and grew worse until I was experiencing them 3-4 days a week. They crept in during my sleep and would wake me in the wee hours, eliminating all possibility of sleep, and leaving me sleep deprived every week. I couldn’t think clearly and life had become worse than dull. I feared going to bed, knowing that the chances of being awakened with a terrible headache were 50/50.
After only a handful of visits to you my headaches are gone; sinuses clear and I am feeling joy for the first time in a VERY long time. The joy of having no pain, of having enough rest; what a gift. Thank you
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