Category: Acupuncture Tips

Sports Medicine & Acupuncture

A woman standing having her hand on her back bone with Injury

Getting sidelined due to an injury can have tremendous effect on us, both physically and mentally. The goal of every sport enthusiast, whether we are weekend warriors or elite athletes, is to get back to doing the sport that we love as quickly as possible. We frequently don’t have the time or the patience to… Read more »

3 Ailments That Acupuncture Can Help Cure

Acupuncture treatment to man

For those who have never been to a session, acupuncture can be hard to understand. However, those who have been have had treatments know how beneficial it can be. The needles are very thin (about the size of human hair) and they’re inserted into strategic points on the body. Chinese medicine has been around for… Read more »

Lowering Stress Hormones With Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture needle treatment to a person

Stress is a big part of many of our lives, and it can affect our sleeping patterns, how we feel, what kinds of foods we crave, and even our digestive systems. But, if you suffer from stress, you don’t have to let it take over your life. Acupuncture has been proven to reduce stress in… Read more »

How Acupuncture Can Curb Substance Addiction

cigarette with needles

Substance addiction is difficult to control and even once you’re in a clean environment, it takes a lot of willpower to remain sober for the rest of your life. If you are a recovering addict who is struggling to get or stay clean, consider trying acupuncture in addition to your regular support group meetings and… Read more »

Let Acupuncture Work For You

Why You Should Ditch Your Dermatologist Acupuncture e1465495238265

We’ve all been there before when it comes to stress and aches in our bodies. We do simple things to try and reduce them or even eliminate them but they become persistent to the point where they won’t go away. For those of you looking for a new way to handle it, acupuncture might be… Read more »